Friday, December 12, 2014

2.D - Biological systems and Homeostatic Imbalances

Essential knowledge 2.D.1: All biological systems from cells and organisms to populations, communities and ecosystems are affected by complex biotic and abiotic interactions involving exchange of matter and free energy.

1.Provide examples of how biotic and abiotic factors affect organism behavior, community interactions, and ecosystem structure. Utilize the following examples in your responses:

○ Water availability: water is critical to the survival of all cells, as it is a universal solvent and is used in a number of cellular processes. If there is competition for water than many organisms are likely to die.
○ Sunlight: In order to survive, all photosynthetic autotrophs need the energy sunlight provides to make food and survive. Other organisms who eat these producers rely on that sunlight as well. For example, if in a dry area there is one oasis, most of the animals on the plains will move there to drink.
○ Symbiosis (mutualism, commensalism, parasitism)
   - Mutualism: A situation between two organisms in which both benefit. An example would be a clown fish and anemone. The clownfish is protected by the anemone and the anemone is in turn cleaned by the fish.
   - Commensalism: an interaction between two species that benefits one but doesn’t helps or harms the other. An example is the flocks of birds that hang around buffalo and cattle. The buffalo aren’t hurt but the birds get protection from predators.
   - Parasitism: A relationship between two organisms in which one benefits (the parasite) and one is hurt (the host).
○ Predator–prey relationships: A situation between two species where their numbers directly affect the others population density. For example, the Canadian Lynx only eats snowshoe hare. If the Snowshoe Hare population drops, so does the Lynx. If the hare population rises then so does the Lynx.
○ Water and nutrient availability, temperature, salinity, pH:
- Temperature: Can affect the rate of cellular processes, what kinds of plants and animals that live in the area and the amount of water available to said animals and plants.
- Nutrient availability: Animals and plants alike need nutrients. These nutrients come from the earth and air for plants and are transferred from plants to consumers and so on. If these nutrients become too sparse, the animals and plants will become vitamin deficient and die. IF there is too much, like for instance phosphorous in waters, plants can and will grow too much and choke out the other animals (i.e prevent sunlight from filtering through and as the plants cant get light they cant photosynthesize and put O2 into the water).
- Salinity: Many plants and animals can not handle excessive levels of salt water. It dries them out and kills them. Other organisms who have evolved to have an environment with high salinity cannot survive without it.

- pH: Many organisms need a specific pH, especially when conducting cellular processes. Digestion, for example, need a more acidic environment so foods can be broken down.
○ Availability of nesting materials and sites: Overcrowding in certain nesting areas can cause a lack of nesting materials and sites which can result in birds not being able to nest or chicks being more likely to fall from nests.
○ Food chains and food webs: These show how all the organisms in the ecosystem are linked and keep one another in balance.
○ Species diversity: This is all the different species of organisms in an environment. It ranges from plants to mammals to birds, lizards, etc.
○ Population density: this how many of one species are in an area. If there are too many, they will have to compete for resources and likely many will die, leaving only the fittest to survive and reproduce.
○ Algal blooms: These occur when there is too much nitrogen and phosphates in the water. They keep light from filtering into the bottom of the lake, stopping photosynthesis and smothering fish.

Essential knowledge 2.D.2: Homeostatic mechanisms reflect both common
ancestry and divergence due to adaptation in different environments.

1.     How do homeostatic mechanisms relate to evolution?
- All organisms must maintain homeostasis in order to survive and reproduce. This is so because cellular processes need precise conditions to perform cellular processes. What is required to maintain an organisms homeostasis and how it does it reflects common ancestry between like organisms.

2. How is the concept of common ancestry supported by continuity in homeostatic mechanisms?
- It is supported by organs like lungs growing in descendants of previously water bound organisms. The Tiktalik, for example, had both gills and lungs because it is one of the transition species that moved from water to land.

3. How do changes in environmental conditions affect this continuity?
- The organisms environment is the largest impact of homeostasis; especially weather. If it’s thirty degrees out, a mammal cant maintain homeostasis and also hunt. IT would freeze. But if it were to evolve/mutate to grow fur, then it would be able to regulate its own temperature without fear of freezing.

4. Explain how the following mechanisms are used for obtaining nutrients and eliminating wastes.

○ Gas exchange in aquatic and terrestrial plants:
- Plants take in CO2, sunlight and water in order conduct photosynthesis. To release it they have stomata and those open whenever the plants either needs to take in CO2 or get rid of gas wastes (oxygen). These stomata opening and closing only when necessary prevent too much water loss. Plants in water take in moisture and gasses through moist, semipermeable membranes via diffusion.
○ Digestive mechanisms in animals such as food vacuoles, gastro-vascular cavities, one-way digestive systems
- Food vacuoles: Vacuoles store food that has entered the cell. They can not digest them alone so they merge with something called a lysosome, which contains the enzymes that are able to digest this food into omething the cell can process and use as energy.
- Gastro-vascular cavities:
- One-way digestive systems: This is a one-way route in which there is two openings in the organism; a mouth and an anus. The ood goes into the mouth, is mixed with digestive nzymes, traveles down to the stomach, intestines, etc.

○ Respiratory systems of aquatic and terrestrial animals
- Aquatic animals: They use gills, generally
- Terrestrial animals: They use lungs, generally

○ Nitrogenous waste production and elimination in aquatic and terrestrial animals
- It goes in the mouth and as it goes through the digestive tract, nutrients are siphoned out and the wastes exit the anus. 

5. Explain how homeostatic control systems in species of microbes, plants an animals support common ancestry. Use the following to help illustrate your explanation:

○ The excretory systems in flatworms, earthworms and vertebrates:
- Flatworms:  food is taken in through the mouth, and while passing through the intestine, nutrients are taken from the food. Wastes exit through the anus.
- Earthworms: Food is taken in through the mouth where it travels to a crop, mixing with digestive enzymes then going to the gizzard where it is ground up. After the gizzard it enters the intestine where nutrients are removed. The wastes are excreted from the anus.
- Vertebrates: Food is taken into the mouth, mixed with saliva and ground, then it goes down the esophagus to the stomach, past the liver and into the intestine where wastes are excreted by the anus.

○ Osmoregulation in bacteria, fish and protists
- Bacteria:
- Fish: Fish use their gills to take in oxygen and releases CO2. They are able to do this because of operculum, which occurs when the gills move and water moves over the gills to exchange dissolved gasses.
- Protists:

○ Osmoregulation in aquatic and terrestrial plants
- Aquatic: Because the leaves and cuticles of aquatic plants are very thin, water and gasses easily enter the plants through diffusion when they are submerged. This allows an easy exchange of gasses in the water without the plant having to worry about drying up.
Terrestrial: Terrestrial plants have something called stomata, which are vents in their thick, waxy leaves. Stomata act as a rotating door to keep water in the plant as well as open and close to allow gas exchange.

○ Circulatory systems in fish, amphibians and mammals
- Fish:
- Amphibians:
- Mammals:

○ Thermoregulation in aquatic and terrestrial animals (countercurrent exchange)
- Aquatic:
- Terrestrial:

Essential knowledge 2.D.3: Biological systems are affected by disruptions to their dynamic homeostasis.
1. How do disruptions at the molecular and cellular levels affect the health of the organism? Use the following to explain your answer:

○ Physiological responses to toxic substances
- Toxins become more concentrated as they move up the food chain(biological magnification), occasionally causing a mass kill of tertiary and quaternary consumers. AN example is DDT, which was washed into rivers and the fish consumed DDT laced bugs and bacteria. It traveled up the food chain to the raptor populations and interfered with the birds’ ability to make a strong egg shell so the eggs were busting before the chicks could hatch.
○ Dehydration
- Symptoms of mild dehydration, which is the loss of water in the body, are thirst and discomfort, dry skin, dry mouth, constipation. Darker urine. Tiredness and dizziness when standing.  This is a 2% water loss. Symptoms of moderate dehydration, which is 5-6%, includes headaches, vomiting, no tears, sunken eyes, seizures, fainting and increased heart and respiration rates.  Severe dehydration, a 10-15% water loss, is muscle spasms, shriveled skin, dimmed vision, reduced/painful urination and delirium.  Anything more than a 15% loss means death.
○ Immunological responses to pathogens, toxins and allergens
-Pathogens, toxins and allergens cause the body to respond with inflammation, vomiting, etc to remove the toxin from the body.

2. Provide examples of how disruptions to ecosystems can affect the dynamics of the ecosystem. Utilize the following examples in your responses:

Invasive and/or eruptive species:
- Invasive species, when introduces to a new habitat, explode in population because they have very few or no predators. They eat the native species who have no defense against them and compete and sadly enough, often smother the native species into extinction. They also destroy the environment because that ecosystem just isn’t built for the invasive species. AN example would be the Anacondas and Pythons released in south Florida. Those snakes have few natural predators and once they’re ten or so feet long, no natural predators. They destroy the populations of all the native species, even the American Alligator, the native tertiary consumer of the everglades.
Human impact:
- Deforestation, poaching, pollution, release of invasive species and more destroy animal habits and in doing so have caused many animal species to go extinct or close to.
Nature’s Impact
- Hurricanes: They aren’t too frequent but they can wash and blow away entire ecosystems. But animals that live in hurricane prevalent areas have adapted fairly well to handle this.
- Floods:  Floods wash out entire environments and animals. They move animals around and clear areas. An area can easily recover from even the worst flood in a couple of decades.
- Earthquakes:  These often take out trees, crack the earth and more. But they are very brief and don’t cause much worse than a rock slide, on most occasions.
- Volcanoes  volcanoes completely engulf habitats. Once the volcanic rock begins to erode, bacteria and small plants are able to take root and begin to rebuild the ecosystem, though it likely will not be the same as pre-eruption.
- Fires
Water limitation
- When water is limited, organisms fight for recources because al organisms need it to survive. They go into a “survival mode” or a hibernation in order to conserve water.
-When salt becomes too much, organisms may migrate to a more suitable environment.

Essential knowledge 2.D.4: Plants and animals have a variety of chemical
defenses against infections that affect dynamic homeostasis.

1.     Explain how plants, invertebrates and vertebrates have multiple, nonspecific (innate) immune responses. Include how they work and structures/chemicals involved.
- Plants:
- Invertebrates:
- Vertebrates:
2. Describe mammalian specific immune responses.
• Describe the two types of specific responses in the Mammalian
immune system
• In the cell-mediated response, what is the role of cytotoxic T cells?
-  They destroy infected cells
• In the humoral response, what is the role of B cells?
-They create plasma cells which create antibodies.
3. Explain how antigens and antibodies work together.
• What is an antibody?
- Something that is used by the immune system to identify and neutralize pathogens.
• How does a second exposure to an antigen differ from the primary exposure?
- There is a memory cell that keeps records of antibodies. Antibodies are replicated and the pathogen is destroyed fairly 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


2.C.1 – Organisms use feedback mechanisms to maintain their internal environments and respond to external environmental changes.

·      Discuss how negative feedback works. Discuss the following two examples – Thermoregulation in animals and plant responses to water limitations.

Negative feedback loops work by receiving a signal from some part in the animal and responding in a way that returns the signal’s origins to a normal level.

Thermoregulation works by when the stimulus of the animal’s body being cold, it sends a signal to the brain and the brain then sends out signals to the muscles to make more heat (shiver) and for the blood vessels to dilate and conserve heat/

Plants respond to say a drought by when the turgidity of the plant lessens, they close their stomata during the hottest hours of the day to prevent water loss. When water becomes normal again, plants no longer need to do this.

·      Discuss how positive feedback works. Discuss the following three examples – lactation in mammals, onset of labor in childbirth, and ripening of fruit.

Positive feedback loops work by sending a signal to have a huge reaction that keeps going until the stimulus is gone. In lactation of mammals, the stimulus is the offspring suckling and when that ceases the reaction, lactation, also ceases.

The baby’s head hitting the cervix stimulates childbirth. This sends signals to the brain, which then signals the muscles in the abdomen to contract. It ceases when the child is born.

When one fruit ripens it gives off a hormone that stimulates other fruit around it to ripen. When the fruit fall off/rot the stimulation is gone and the loop ceases.

·      Discuss how an alteration in the mechanism of feedback can result in dire consequences by using the following three examples: diabetes mellitus in response to decreased insulin, dehydration in response to decreased antidiuretic hormone and Grave’s disease.

Alterations in feedback loops can cause biological processes (like blood glucose level regulation, for example) to spiral out of control. This can cause serious damage to the organism or death.

2.C.2 – Organisms respond to changes in their external environments.
·      Discuss how organism respond to changes in their environment by using the following examples:

o   Photoperiodism and phototropism

o   Hibernation and migration in animals

o   Taxis and kinesis in animals

o   Chemotaxis in bacteria, sexual reproduction in fungi

o   Nocturnal and diurnal activity: circadian rhythms

o   Shivering and sweating in humans