Monday, April 27, 2015

4.C Blog

 Essential knowledge 4.C.1: Variation in molecular units provides cells with a wider range of functions.
a.Variations within molecular classes provide cells and organisms with a wider range of functions. [See also 2.B.1, 3.A.1, 4.A.1, 4.A.2]

•    Different types of hemoglobin
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a genetic mutation which changed one letter on the gene that codes for hemoglibin. This one mutation made the hemoglobin and blood cells curve, which lessens the amount of oxygen each sickled cell can hold. It does, however, provide a heterozygous advantage in areas where malaria runs rampant. Malaria is a protozoa that is spread by mosquitoes. It invades normal red blood cells and devours hemoglobin, killing the cell. They multiply with every cell they devour and kill, spreading throughout the body and causing the host to die from anemia. When a person contracts malaria without the recessive sickle cell allele, they usually die. Those with homozygous sickle cell alleles are not able to move oxygen through their bodies very efficiently, which is pretty bad. 

b. Multiple copies of alleles or genes (gene duplication) may provide new phenotypes. [See also 3.A.4, 3.C.1]
Discuss each of the following to explain 4.C.1.b
·      A heterozygote may be a more advantageous genotype than a homozygote under particular conditions, since with two different alleles, the organism has two forms of proteins that may provide functional resilience in response to environmental stresses.
·      Gene duplication creates a situation in which one copy of the gene maintains its original function, while the duplicate may evolve a new function. Example – antifreeze gene is fish – EXPLAIN.

Sometimes entire genes are duplicated. Since the copied gene is not being used, it will often mutate into a new gene that can code for new traits. A good example of this are fish that have mutated and adapted to below freezing temperature ocean waters. These fish has a trait copied that mutated to allow them to create proteins that kept water inside them from freezing. Since they don't easily freeze, they can live in colder waters with fewer fish to compete with. 

Essential knowledge 4.C.2: Environmental factors influence the expression of the genotype in an organism.
a.    Environmental factors influence many traits both directly and indirectly. [See also 3.B.2, 3.C.1]
To foster student understanding of this concept, choose THREE of the illustrative example below to explain:
•    Height and weight in humans
One environmental factor that affects the expression of genes is food and nutrition availability. If someone only has a limited amount of food like wheat, for example, they are not getting the right amount of nutrients that their body needs to grow and developed. Even though they may be genetically dispositioned to be tall and bulky they would likely be skinny and short due to lacking nutrients to build that tall, bulky frame. 
•    Sex determination in reptiles
In turtles, for example, when temperatures are high, more females are hatched and when temperatures are lower, more males are hatched. 
•    Density of plant hairs as a function of herbivory
If something chews on a plant, as a defensive reaction it will sprout more spiked hairs to deter the herbivore from eating it. If the herbivore doesn't eat it to begin with, it will not exert the energy to produce thorns. 

b. An organism's adaptation to the local environment reflects a flexible response of its genome.
To foster student understanding of this concept, choose an illustrative example to explain:
•    Darker fur in cooler regions of the body in certain mammal species
in certain mammals, when the temperature drops a gene for the production of darker or lighter fur is produced. When the animal sheds its fur for its winter coat, the color is changed. 
•    Alterations in timing of flowering due to climate changes
Flowers are produced when the plant senses warm enough temperatures and light changes. If a plant flowers too early then it will likely be too cold to produce viable fruit, same with if it flowers too late. 

Essential knowledge 4.C.3: The level of variation in a population affects population dynamics.
a.    Population ability to respond to changes in the environment is affected by genetic diversity. Species and populations with little genetic diversity are at risk for extinction.
To demonstrate student understanding of this concept, make sure you can explain the following:
    California condors
California condors are essential in cleaning up dead organisms. Without them, other detrivores' numbers rise and the number of carcasses increase. To increase their numbers, conservationalists captively bred and raised them. When they had enough, they released many of them into the wild. Their genetic diversity is still extremely low and they are still on risk for extinction but it's getting better. 
    Black-footed ferrets
When plague was introduced and their habitats and prey, the prairie dog, declined, they faced extinction. They were thought to be extinct until a small population was discovered. This population has increased the numbers to about a thousand individuals in a captive breeding program.
    Prairie chickens
Due to overhunting and loss of habitat loss they faced extinction but they have somewhat returned, although genetic diversity has significantly decreased. 
    Potato blight causing the potato famine
Monocropping and a small genetic diversity in potato plants caused the entire crop to fail, starving thousands of people in Ireland. 
    Corn rust affects on agricultural crops
A bacteria that kills corn crops that are not resistant to it. 
    Tasmanian devils and infectious cancer
Tumors that are introduced from devil to devil through fighting. The Tasmanian Devils are so closely related that the devils' bodies don't recognize it as a foreign substance. It spreads throughout the devil and kills it. 

b. Genetic diversity allows individuals in a population to respond differently to the same changes in environmental conditions.
To demonstrate student understanding of this concept, make sure you can explain the following:
    Not all animals in a population stampede.
These animals are picked of by predators and don't survive to reproduce. 
    Not all individuals in a population in a disease outbreak are equally affected; some may not show symptoms, some may have mild symptoms, or some may be naturally immune and resistant to the disease.
 When a diseased is introduced into a population, those with immunity and that can recover survive to reproduce. Those that aren't immune often die and their lineage ends with them. 
c. Discuss how allelic variation within a population can be modeled by the Hardy-Weinberg equation(s). 
Hardy Weinburg equations represent the alleles in a population of future generations when there is no mutating, immigration, emigration, random mating, and one more thing. It is a mathematical equation that shows dominant homozygous, heterozygous and homozygous recessive trait frequencies. 

Essential knowledge 4.C.4: The diversity of species within an ecosystem may influence the stability of the ecosystem.
a.    Discuss why natural and artificial ecosystems with fewer component parts and with little diversity among the parts are often less resilient to changes in the environment.
When there is little diversity in an ecosystem, natural or artificial, if a disease is introduced then the organisms are much less likely to have a mutation that makes them immune to whatever disease is ravaging their species. That mutation would make organisms fit for that environment. 

b. Keystone species, producers, and essential abiotic and biotic factors contribute to maintaining the diversity of an ecosystem. Discuss the effects of keystone species on the ecosystem are disproportionate relative to their abundance in the ecosystem, and when they are removed from the ecosystem, the ecosystem often collapses. Use the example of the Gray Wolves.

A keystone species is a species with a significant role in an ecosystem. it either provides food for others or controls the population of the others. The grey wolf, for example, keeps the elk population in check. When they were decimated, the elk population soared which ate most of the vegetation. With the vegetation gone, the habitats of many birds and beavers was lost, which caused their populations to plummet. The waters heated up which killed plant life and allowed rivers to erode. With the river eroding, the beavers lose even more of their homes and can no longer build stable dams, which destroys breeding grounds for fish. The whole ecosystem has now collapsed. 


Friday, April 17, 2015

Blog: 4B


All living organisms contain DNA. The DNA is a chain of attached polypeptides, which are composed of nucleotides (adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine), a five-carbon sugar and a phosphate group.  The DNA in the cell is copied by RNA, which is then sent out of the nucleus of the cell to a ribosome. It is then translated and a protein is made from what the mRNA sequence coded for. These proteins

Enzymes are things that speed up or slow down a reaction on a molecular level. What they do specifically is determined by the pattern of their DNA. When the structure is changed it can result in a change in function of the system. IF the function is changed then the enzyme becomes denatured, meaning it doesn’t work.

Things like very incorrect environmental factors such as acidity and temperature can easily denaturize an enzyme. If an enzyme is denatured it cannot latch on to anything or receive the substrate to start speeding up reactions. The substrate works and fits into the enzyme like a key in a lock.

Sometimes enzymes have cofactors, or coenzymes, which attach to the enzyme and allow the substrate to connect to it to activate the original enzyme. It apparently changes how fast the enzyme works with the chemical reactions.

There are also types of molecules that attach to the enzyme and prevent the substrate from attaching to it and activating the enzyme. They are called inhibitors and bind to the activation site. The kind of molecule that binds to the allosteric site on the enzyme can be either an allosteric activator or inhibitor. 


In order to increase the efficiency of cellular processes in cells they have evolved to have something called compartmentalization. Compartmentalization increases the surface area within the cell and its organelles. An increased surface area allows cells to move materials quicker and overall increase efficiency. It occurs also to support the cell, cell colonies called tissues and then the organ systems and organism. They must simultaneously work together to keep the organism functioning.

An example would be the digestive system. The mouth chews and adds enzymes (in the saliva) that begin breaking down the food. The food travels from the oral cavity down the esophagus and into the stomach, which contains more enzymes and microbes (microscopic bacteria aka gut flora) which breaks it down even more. The broken down food goes through the intestines where the nutrients is absorbed and it is broken down more. The remaining wastes are excreted from the rectum and anus after leaving the large intestine.



Ecosystems contain many different species that constantly interact with one another.  They interact with eachother through symbiotic relationships. Predation, which one benefits and the other dies, parasitism in which one benefits (the parasite) and one becomes weaker and/or dies (host). Mutualism, in which both benefit and commensalism, where one benefits and the other is unaffected.

Species are also limited by environmental factors like food, shelter and space, which keep the population at or below the ecosystem’s carrying capacity. 

Every environment has a species that all the other organisms revolve around. This species feeds and eats others and if it is removed the entire ecosystem falls apart. These certain species are known as keystone species.


Human impact causes dozens of species to go extinct annually. Acts such as deforestation, habitat fragmentation, poaching, industrial monocropping agriculture and pollution are major impacts. Climate change also has huge impacts on some species, as when the temperature changes so does the habitat and the species must migrate to a new habitat in order to survive.

Invasive species introduced by humans to new habitats also have large, generally negative impacts. They have no natural predators and often devastate the populations of native species in the area.

A couple of prime examples are kudzu plants in the northern southeast and large anaconda snakes in the everglades. Natural disasters can also wipe out populations but they generally recover within a few decades.